Pregnancy Yoga

Pregnancy & Post-Natal Yoga classes in English in Barcelona


Coming soon…

Pregnancy Yoga is the perfect place to connect with your body & baby at a time when so much is changing and a new version of you is being formed. As you make your way from Maiden to Mother (or Mother, again) anxieties can spiral, but by connecting with soothing breath work and rhythmic, safe movements, we find our way back to balance, together in community.

I have trained with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli in Therapeutic Yoga Teacher Training for Empowered Pregnancy, Birth and Postnatal Recovery. The classes are nurturing, uplifting, gentle and supportive.

More information on dates and timings coming soon!

“When a woman is properly taken care of and nourished in pregnancy, the child will be very awake, very intelligent, very spiritual - I have seen this over and over!” - Dr Padma