Moving from a place of high self-worth
This year, how about, you STOP pushing yourself harder, ploughing on past burnout, and drowning out the inner critic with a new outfit, health plan, or round of drinks at the weekend which only provide a temporary confidence boost.
Instead, you need to…
The problem with boundaries
The problem with boundaries is that we often only realise we don’t have them when it’s too late!
If you’ve ever left an interaction with someone feeling depleted, triggered, or resentful, you might want to take a look at your boundaries…
Imposter syndrome: What is it and how does it hold us back?
Back in my London days, I used to practice yoga several times a week at a yoga studio in Fulham.
Despite being a qualified and experienced yoga instructor (with several regular teaching slots at other amazing studios), I never once dared to ask if I could have a teaching slot there. 🫣
Since there were many senior teachers at the studio who I admired, I saw it as being somewhere that I wasn’t “good enough” to teach at…
Indecision vs Intuition
Did you know that high levels of stress can impact our ability to connect with our gut instincts / intuition?
When our bodies are on 'high alert' due to high amounts of stress, blood is directed away from our digestive system and into the arms and legs, preparing us to 'fight, or fly'. When we get stuck in this over-aroused state for long periods of time, our bodies are less able to cope with anything that doesn't directly relate to our immediate survival needs.
Boundaries & healthy communication in relationships
Boundaries are a form of communication that allows one person to say to another, “I have this need, and I am going to clearly and kindly express that need and extend an invitation to you to help me meet that need so that this relationship can feel good for both of us.”
Pluto shift from Capricorn to Aquarius (& what that means)
Today, Pluto, the planet of death, destruction and transformation shifts into the heart of the sun and then shortly after it changes signs from where it has been hanging out for the last 15 years (in Capricorn), into the airy sign of Aquarius, and it’s going to have an impact on all of us…
Libra Season & The Autumn Equinox, 2023
Libra season begins tomorrow, alongside the Autumn Equinox. The balance of light and dark, night and day, yin and yang takes place in the sign of the scales, calling for us to find our inner balance.
This time of year signifies the shift from the Spring and Summer “yang” months, to the Autumn and Winter “yin” months. It’s time to turn yinwards…
Mood, Food, Mind & Movement tips to help you ALIGN with every phase of your cycle
Mindset, mood, food & movement tips to help you align with every phase of your cycle
The New Moon in Virgo, September 2023
The Summer is always a bit of a free-for-all when it comes to routine and regular self-care practices, which is why it's almost a relief when September comes around and we can finally get our lives back to some kind of structure. It's that 'back to school' energy that we always feel no matter how many years we can count since we last heard a school bell.
The Full Moon in Pisces, August 2023
The Pisces Full Moon is making her way to fullness and with six planets currently retrograde, you may be feeling this one more than usual.
Because not only is it a full moon, it’s a SUPER Moon (when the moon is closer to the earth and therefore appears bigger in the sky) & a BLUE moon (when we have two full moons in one month).
The Full Moon in Aquarius, 2023
The Full Moon in the freedom-seeing sign of the water bearing Aquarius is upon us.
The free-spirited, future-thinking sign of the zodiac is encouraging all of us to rebel against convention and conforming and instead to live by our own internal compass.
The Waxing First Quarter Moon in Scorpio, 2023
With the shift of the moon into Scorpio over the next couple of days, it's time to dive deep into our psyche. Scorpio is the sign of self transformation after all, the phoenix who burns everything to the ground to once again rise up stronger and more powerful than ever.
The Cancer New Moon & the Nodal shift to the Aries/Libra axis
Like the crab who carries its home on its back, the Cancer Moon is calling us home to ourselves, to our soul callings, our heart desires and to grounding us in to what is true for us. The reason being...
Cooling Yin Yoga for the Summer months
It seems that summer is upon us all of a sudden, temperatures are rising and the lure of closing the laptop to play outside is strong. In Chinese Medicine, Summer is the most Yang season. It represents outward energy, expansion, movement, and activity.
The Full Moon in Virgo & the waning lunar phase
Last night we had the full moon in Virgo, the last full moon of this astrological year before we move into the new year at the end of this month when the sun transitions into Aries.
Nourishing our Kidney Chi
As we are in the depths of winter right now, I wanted to share a little more about the kidneys and how we can replenish our chi during the winter months in order to increase our vitality for the year ahead.
Healing the Sister Wound
The sister wound lives in all of us. It stems from the patriarchal fear that our feminine power when combined undermined the patriarchal need for power and control. And so, instead of honouring our ability to connect and promote harmony, the system turned us against each other.
Boosting our Solar Plexus (warrior) energy
The Solar Plexus relates to our self-esteem, our willpower, our sense of personal power or warrior energy. This chakra causes us to address questions around our association with the word power - do we feel powerful or weak? Domineering or submissive? Aggressive or passive? And do we know that there’s a middle ground where our own personal empowerment doesn’t need to mean the diminishment of someone else's…
Yoga & Depression
There’s always some study or other about the benefits of yoga and how it can improve mindset, reduce stress and depression, and help you to live a more joyful life. This post is NOT a study or collection of citations, this is my personal experience of the yoga practice and how it has changed my life for the better…
Study thy self, discover the divine
As I always say in class, yoga is not just what we do on the mat. One of the tools that has been most beneficial to me in my daily life is Svadhaya ~ or self-study.
Over the last decade or so, I’ve been delving in to the world of astrology, psychology and more recently human design as a way to understand myself a little bit more and to help me to grow.