Nourishing our Kidney Chi
As we are in the depths of winter right now, I wanted to share a little more about the kidneys and how we can replenish our chi during the winter months in order to increase our vitality for the year ahead.

Healing the Sister Wound
The sister wound lives in all of us. It stems from the patriarchal fear that our feminine power when combined undermined the patriarchal need for power and control. And so, instead of honouring our ability to connect and promote harmony, the system turned us against each other.

Just like the moon, we have our own cycles
Ah nature. Whether it’s the tides of the ocean, the seasons, moon cycles or our own menstrual cycle, nature teaches us so much about the phases we go through, of ebbing and flowing, socialising and withdrawing, confidence and self-criticism, especially as women.

Balancing our Yin & Yang
They say that the yoga mat is a mirror that reflects back to us who we really are. I am someone who likes to move, to achieve, to push forwards, and so this is (was) reflected back to me in my practice.

Flowing with the cycles of the Moon
In our yoga practice we’re taught to pay attention to our physical, emotional and energetic bodies - we connect to our breath, the sensations and the energy we’re feeling that day.