The New Moon in Virgo, September 2023

New Moon in Virgo

The Summer is always a bit of a free-for-all when it comes to routine and regular self-care practices, which is why it's almost a relief when September comes around and we can finally get our lives back to some kind of structure. It's that 'back to school' energy that we always feel no matter how many years we can count since we last heard a school bell. 

The new uniform, switching from sandals to boots and maybe running a brush through our tangled, sun-kissed locks. 

But the energy of the virgin goddess goes beyond the surface-level style of September, she's asking us to look a little deeper at our daily practices, to declutter and streamline our lives so that we can more seriously focus on what is important to us, and apply that Virgo analytical gaze so that we can see things from a more objective perspective. 

Almost at the same time the moon moves into Virgo, Mercury goes direct - a relief for many of us as travel plans, technology and communication are no longer backspinning. Forward motion resumes once more, and as we set our intentions this month, we might just be travelling in an entirely new direction. 

A grand trine between the moon, Taurus and Capricorn, is supporting any intentions we set too - the earth signs are getting together to ensure that any seeds of intention we do plant, have the fertile soil in which to grow into tangible, material results. 

But take a pause before any grand gestures or actions though, there's still another six planets in retrograde right now, reminding us to slow down and reevaluate what we've learned so far before we race onto the next thing. A better time to take action would be a week later at the Autumn Equinox. 

Some questions to ask yourself under this New Moon in Virgo:

  • What head start do I want to get on my goals for 2024? 

  • What daily habits could I implement now to close out the year on a healthy high?  

  • How can I bring more order to my goals, what structure can I create to keep me on the right path? 

A ritual to connect with the New Moon in Virgo:

Connect with Mother Nature. Get outside, put your hands or feet in the earth whether that's in your garden, on a wooded trail or simply placing your palms into a plant pot. Allow the grounding energy of the earth to bring you back down to your roots. 

If you want to learn more about your personal astrology and how that impacts certain areas of your life, why not book a Yoga & Astrology 1:1? We’ll cover your ‘big 3’ as well as a key area of your journey whether that be relationships, career, family or another key life theme. Read more here or reach out


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